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Who are we?

We are the next generation of believers at Logos Bible Church; sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father.

Our Mission:

To be used by the Holy Spirit to reach those who don't know the saving grace of Jesus and the love of God and showing those who do know their Lord and Savior how to develop a deeper relationship.

Our Vision:

To be a part in changing the lives young people; showing them how to live a transformed life focused and centered on Jesus Christ


We intend on accomplishing this by…

Worship: Building an intentional relationship with Jesus and learning more about him; giving Him all the glory and praise. (Col. 3:16)

Discipleship: Investing into the lives of others and developing them in spiritual maturity so that they too will be used to touch someone else’s life. (2 Tim. 2:2)

Fellowship: Joining together with fellow believers in encouragement, instruction, and worship. (Heb. 10:25)

Service: Working with one another building up the Kingdom of God. (1 Cor. 12:5-6)

Outreach: Be it domestic or foreign, reaching the lost through the power of the Holy Spirit and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Matt. 28:18)